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Abortion statistics

  • 1 in 4 women have had an abortion
  • Only 1.5% of abortions are due to rape and incest
  • In 2015, approximately 35% of all pregnancies in New York City ended in abortion (CDC)
  • For African American women in NYC, more abortions happen than babies born

Abortion facts

  • As of 2019 - New York abortion law now allows for abortions all the way to full-term!
  • There are nearly 1,000,000 abortions per year on average (and that's just ones reported!)
  • Planned Parenthood is the nation's largest abortion provider
  • A child’s heart beats at 21 days. It is audible at 8-10 weeks gestation

How Do I Get Involved? What is MY Role?

Our Heart for the Right to Life Movement Happening Now

“Please, Lord, help me get one more” - prayer of the selfless medic who lowers the injured from both sides of the war to safety is perhaps the best way to articulate the heart of the Pregnancy Resource Center. You see for us being pro-life is so much more than how we vote; it is a life of service. Many have referred to this battle for the unborn as a war and that is very true.

But if this is war then the pregnancy resource center plays the role of the medic refusing to pick up a gun, but bringing others to safety. As a Pregnancy Resource Center, we cross into enemy territory to comfort those women and often young girls considering abortion, offering factual information and services to ensure they are aware of the impact of their decision. And for those who have fallen on the other side and are forever changed by their abortion decision we take their hand and walk with them through the grieving process to a place of hope provided by the One who gives eternal Life.

“Do not let kindness and truth leave you; Bind them around your neck, Write them on the tablet of your heart.” (Proverbs 3:3)  

Are you willing to be like the medic? Praying for Lord to give you the strength to carry one more to safety as you crawl about in the war zone. All Life is precious and as the Pro-life community we must be the ones constantly offering love coupled with truth even when faced with the evil of abortion. Pregnancy resource centers are the best example of how to do just that.

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